BIBE 2025 Special Sessions

BIBE-WTHR ' 25: Wearable Technology for Healthcare and Rehabilitation

This session will explore the latest innovations in wearable technology specifically designed for healthcare and rehabilitation. It highlights how these state-of-the-art devices enhance patient care through continuous health monitoring and the provision of targeted therapies tailored to individual needs. Emphasizing the integration of bioinformatics and biomedical engineering, the session will illustrate the extended capabilities of wearable devices in both clinical and non-clinical environments. The presented advancements will demonstrate how technology facilitates recovery processes and revolutionizes healthcare practices, ultimately setting new standards for patient management and treatment efficacy.

BIBE-WTHR' 25 topics include but not limited to:

1. Innovations in Gait Analysis Technologies
2. Wearable Devices for Continuous Health Monitoring
3. Advancements in Smart Textiles and Garments
4. Rehabilitation Wearables
5. Application of AI and Machine Learning in Wearables

Session Chair

Huanghe Zhang
Associate Professor; Shandong Provincial Overseas Young Scholar; Taishan Scholar Youth Expert

Huanghe Zhang, an Associate Professor at Shandong University, was selected for the Postdoctoral International Talent Introduction Program. He is a recipient of the Shandong Provincial Overseas Young Scholars Award and the Taishan Scholar Youth Expert title. He is also recognized as an Outstanding Innovative and Entrepreneurial Postdoctoral Fellow at the national level and holds a PhD from Stevens Institute of Technology, where he was honored as an Outstanding Doctoral Student. His main research interests lie in rehabilitation robotics and wearable technology. He has undertaken three national-level research projects and two provincial-level research projects. He has published 17 high-level academic papers, including six as the first author in top journals indexed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He holds two US invention patents with an additional ten invention patents pending (including one US and nine Chinese patents). He has been invited to serve as a young editorial board member and special guest editor for the Elsevier journal Healthcare and Rehabilitation, and as a special guest editor for BIROB and Wearable Technologies. He also chairs sessions at the international robotics conferences ICIRA2024 and SUISAI2024 and is a committee member for the 2024 National Flexible Electronics Academic Conference. Additionally, Dr. Zhang has frequently given keynote speeches at top international robotics conferences such as IRCA and IROS.

Committee Member

Yanggang Feng
Associate Professor, Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates, Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Beihang University

Chenxi Yang
Associate Professor, Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates,
School of Instrument Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China

Research Interests:Wearable Healthcare, Bio-signal Processing, Cardiovascular Monitoring Devices

Bio: Chenxi Yang (S’13) received the B. Eng. degree in Measuring Control Technology & Instruments from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 2013, and the M. Eng. degree in electrical engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, in 2015. He earned his Ph.D. in electrical engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology in May 2020 and joined SHELAB in August 2020. His research interests are biophysical signal processing, wearable and non-contact monitoring devices, and mobile healthcare with sensor networks. He is a member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, Circuits and Systems Society, and Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. He has received the Edward Peskin Award for an Outstanding Master’s Thesis at Stevens Institute, a conference travel award for his paper at BIOCAS 2016, Shanghai, China, and the NSF EMBC Award for Young Professionals on Smart and Connected Health at EMBC 2016, Orlando, FL.