BIBE 2025 Special Sessions

BIBE-BTE’25: Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering

Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering are two interrelated fields that have revolutionized the way we approach medicaltreatments and research. These fields have the potential to change the lives of millions ofpeople who suffer from various diseases and medical conditions. The use of biomaterials in medical devices and implants has increased significantlyin recent years, These devices can be used to treat a wide range of medical conditions,.including cardiovascular disease, orthopedic injuries, and cancer, Biomaterials can beused to create artificial joints, heart valves, and implantable devices that monitor and treatmnedical conditions. The field of tissue engineering has also made signifcant progress in recent years.Researchers have developed new techniques for creating tissues and organs, such as 3Dprinting and bioprinting. These techniques allow for the creation of complex structuresthat mimic natural tissues and organs, making them ideal for transplantation andregenerative medicine.

BIBE-BTE’25 topics include but not limited to:

1. Biomaterials that are used in medical devices, implants, and tissueengineering applications
2. Biomaterials aremade from a wide range of materials, including polymers, ceramies, metals, andcomposites.
3. The process of using biomaterials and cells to create new tissuesand organs.
4. The use of scaffolds which structures that provide aframework for cells to grow and form new tissue
5. 3Dprinting and bioprinting

Session Chair

Dr. Fengzhen Liu
Liaocheng Hospital Affiliated Shandong First Medical University

In 2014, Dr. Fengzhen Liu got PhD degree from Chinese Academy of Sciences University. In 2015, she did postdoctor in Tsinghua University. In 2016, she did visiting scholar in University of British Columbia of Canada. In 2017, she was the director of Institute for biomaterials laboratory and deputy director of scientific research department, Liaocheng People’s Hospital. In 2019,she got hospital leadership and management certificate in Harvard Medical School. In 2020, she has been awarded a scholarship under CSC. Her Research interests include bone regeneration and immunity. She published more than 50 SCI papers and 3 patents so far, got more than 20 projects and 10 rewards. She is American Science and Technology Life Member, Chinese Society for Biomaterials-Smart Biomaterials Committee Member,Chinese Society for Biomaterials-Bone Repair Materials and Equipment Committee Member,China Medicine Education Association-Medical Science Promotion Committee Member,Chinese Stomatological Association-Dental Materials Professional Committee Member.