Bin Chen
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China
State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering
Fields: Bio-Heat Transfer and Multiphase Flow in BioMedical Engineering;Numerical simulation techniques of multiphase flow;Hydrogen production by biomass gassification in supercritical water
Associate Research Fellow
Jianxun Ding
Key Laboratory of Polymer Ecomaterials Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Fields: Biomedical Polymer Materials
Research Fellow
Hui Sun
Academy of Opto-Electronics (AOE)
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Fields: Femtosecond laser eye surgery research.
William Fairfield Warren Distinguished Professor
H. Eugene Stanley
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Boston University
Fields: Alzheimer brain, quantifying fluctuations in noncoding and coding DNA sequences, and interbeat intervals of the healthy and diseased heart.
Andreas K. Nüssler
BG Hospital (Trauma Center)
Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
Fields: Development of pre-clinical models for toxicology and pharmacology;Immunology (especially regarding ageing);Stem cell therapy (tissue regeneration);Hepatic osteodystrophy, diabetic osteopathy;Bone healing and bone regeneration;Nutrition and bone healing;Implementation of AI to predict high risk patients
Ji Wu
Department of Electronic Engineering
Tsinghua University
Fields: Medical text cognitive computing, deep learning, medical knowledge graph and other AI technologies
Run Zhang
Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
The University of Queensland
Fields: Sensor, Optical probe, Theranostic nanomaterials, Biosensing and imaging, Inflammation, Cancer, Food safety, Highly reactive biomarker
Shaojun Du
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of Maryland
Fields: Genetic and epigenetic regulation of gene expression, muscle, bone and adipocyte cell differentiation, molecular chaperones and protein stability, zebrafish models, gene transfer and genome editing.
Associate Professor
Mu Yuguang
Biomolecular Simulations and Data Analysis Lab
Nanyang Technological University
Fields: Md simulation method and data analysis method development; dna dynamics, dna protein, dna-counterions interaction study; peptide, protein folding, unfolding study, specially aimed at folding, misfolding mechanism which could lead to amyloid fibril; rna dynamics and folding study.
Distinguished Professor
Jyh-Cheng Chen
Dept. of Biomedical Imaging & Radiological Sciences
National Yang-Ming Chiao-Tung University
Fields: Tumor Detection in Nuclear Medicine;Micro-PET/SPECT/CT, FT/CT, and Dental CBCT ; Hybrid Imaging System Development (micro-PET/CT, FT/CT); Image Quality Assessment and Improvement; Image; Processing and Image Quality Analysis; Micro PET/SPECT/CT Molecular and Genetic Imaging; Human and micro-PET/MRI (7T); AI in Medical Imaging
Xinghua Pan
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Southern Medical University
Fields:Single Cell Sequencing, Genomics, Transcriptomics, Epigenomics, Mult-Omics, Bioinformatics; Dna Methylation, Cancer Heterogeneity, Tumor Evolution, Tumor Microenvironment, Biomarker, Leukemia, Hepatocarcinoma, Colorectal Cancer; Stemness, Reprogramming, Regeneration, Reproduction, Development, Aging .
Visiting Professor & Co-Director
Feng Lin
WHO Collaborating Centre for Digital Health and Health Education
Nanyang Technological University,Singapore
Fields:Biomedical Informatics, Bioimaging
Associate Professor
Jia Meng
Department of Biological Sciences
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Assistant Professor
Boris Gramatikov
The Wilmer Eye Institute
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
Fields: Retinal birefringence scanning, eye tracking, automated focus detection, fixation stability
Assistant Professor
Jingwei Xie
University of Nebraska Medical Center,USA
Fields: Regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, biomaterials, nanotechnology, biosurfaces, formulations, drug delivery, stem cell therapy.
Bin Liu
Head of Department of Digital Media Technology
Dalian University of Technology, China
Fields: Medical Image Processing and 3-D Reconstruction
Senior Researcher
Alexandre G. de Brevern
Department of Biological Research on the Red Blood Cells
French National Institute of Health and Medical Research
Fields: Molecular modelling, molecular dynamics, protein docking
Associate Professor
Jie Li
School of Computer Science and Technology
Harbin Institute of Technology
Fields: Biological information