BIBE2025 is soliciting original submissions on a wide range of biological information and biomedical engineering, spanning both theoretical and practical research. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Biological Information
- Genomics
- Proteomics
- DNA sequence analysis
- Protein encoding
- Protein space structure simulation
- Genetic information
- Genetic engineering
- Protein alignment
- Gene expression
- Molecular biology
- Gene recognition analysis
- Molecular evolution
- Sequential overlapping group assembly
- Gene drugs
Biomedical Engineering
- Medical sensor
- Digital signal processing
- Medical image processing
- Biomedical materials
- Medical nanotechnology
- Medical imaging instrument
- Medicine
- Diagnostics
- Surgery
- Physiology
- Cell therapy technology
- Principle of medical instrument
- Medical electronics
- Biological pharmacy
- Individualized treatment